Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Solace for Mothers

I just became aware of a website devoted to helping women recover from traumatic birth experiences--Solace for Mothers. I often wonder whether the incidence of postpartum depression is so high in the U.S. partly because the incidence of negative birth experiences is also very high. A positive birth experience is surely a strong springboard into motherhood. Solace for Mothers explains:
For many women, childbirth is an empowering, expansive experience. And for some, childbirth brings dashed dreams, grief, and the unshakable sense that your body and your mind are damaged. Some women feel betrayed by their care providers and the place in which they birthed. Sometimes fate itself interferes when the baby comes too soon, bearing health problems or even, tragically, when the baby does not survive. Even when birth is “normal,” some women are stunned to discover that bonding with their babies grows over a period of time rather than unfolding all at once. . . .

Solace for Mothers provides healing after traumatic childbirth through support. Support—in the form of a free telephone call with a trained peer counselor, in-person facilitated meetings to listen to and share birth-related stories in a safe and confidential setting, as well as referrals to community resources—is available by calling one number: 1-877-SOLACE4 (1-877-765-2334). We are also in the process of launching an online community for women dealing with these issues. (source)

The creators of our new discussion board would like you to know that you are not alone. Other women have felt traumatized, deeply disappointed, or even violated by their birth experiences. Birth trauma is very real. We are here to offer you an online meeting place to share and connect with other women who have had similar experiences, and a place for you to begin your healing journey.
I'm so grateful for groups like Solace for Mothers who recognize the way birth experiences can profoundly affect women for good or bad. I never lose hope that as more and more people become aware of the problems with maternity care and demand change, more and more women will come away from their births being affected profoundly for good.

1 comment:

Sarah H said...

thanks for sharing this sight. I will be using it!