...or say, "It's okay!" (and mean it) when you apologize for arriving late (because you've got two little kids in tow and couldn't find a parking place).
...tell you how beautiful you look?
...take your blood pressure, look at your urine sample stick, or draw your blood him/herself?
...spend time just chatting with you and/or your children?
...give you a hug at the end of every appointment?
Have I mentioned I love my midwives? Even if the birth experience itself wasn't superior with midwives (and it is), the personal and genuinely interested prenatal care midwives provide makes them so beyond worth it! Once you've been cared for by a midwife, there really is no going back!
Just in case you're wondering, my glucose levels were great this morning. Yay! And I was relieved to find out that I only gained about 2.5 lbs since my last appointment (definitely easier to swallow than the 10 lbs I gained over the holidays)! And the little munchkin is head down... good to know, 'cause I've been wondering. (A little breechling would definitely throw an enormous kink in our plans!) So everything's going fabulously. Except that it's going too fast! I've only got about 9 weeks to go! Ah!
I was doing some research on midwives this morning and got a little frustrated. Remind me that you and I need to have an extensive email chat one of these days ...
So glad you found some that you love! They sound absolutely unreal.
Your midwives sound wonderful. There's something about a midwife who truly loves to care for women and isn't afriad to show it.
I love the pic of the doc. classic.
Coincidentally, I just posted an entry on my blog about a midwife vs an OB. Midwives rock!
Sarah- what's your blog address? I'd love to read your post!! :-)
That's so exciting!! Good job on the jelly beans. :) Glad you are so happy! I hope i find someone i like...
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